Dog Park
Quail Crossing Blvd. at the intersection with Quail View Loop
The Critters Club manages the Dog Park on behalf of the community. Click on Critters Club for more information.
Quail Creek Dog Park Rules & Regulations
By entering the Dog Park, Users agree to follow the established rules. Violation of any of these rules can result in you and your dog being asked to leave the park. Repeat offenses can result in revocation of Dog Park privileges.
- This park is solely for dogs, their handlers, and those accompanying them.
- All dogs must be legally licensed and vaccinated and shall wear a visible dog license.
- All dogs must be AT LEAST 4 MONTHS OF AGE OR OLDER.
- No female dogs in heat.
- Dogs must be on a leash when entering and exiting the park.
- Handlers must have possession of the dog's leash at all times.
- Dogs must be under the supervision of the handler at all times.
- Handlers must clean up (pick up the poop) after their dogs.
- Dogs must be removed from the park at the FIRST sign of aggression (snarling, growling, or signs of imminent attack)
- Water in plastic containers (no glass containers) for handlers is permitted. Training treats for dogs are allowed.
- Only children over the age of 8 are allowed in the park. Children age 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
- Handlers are responsible for any injuries caused by any dog(s) under their control.
- Users of the park do so at their own risk. Quail Creek Resort Community, Quail Creek Homeowners Association, and the Quail Creek Critter's Club shall not be held liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the dog park area. By using this dog park, you accept the responsibility for the actions of your dog(s) and yourself.